Phishing is an e-mail to lure you into revealing your personal information (such as your bank account number and account password) malicious behavior. Phishing messages usually point to deceive the site unreliable links, these sites ask you to provide personal information. Criminals will use this information to steal your identity and / or money.
As may be difficult to distinguish between legitimate e-mail and phishing e-mail, Outlook junk email filter will assess each incoming message to see if it contains suspicious phishing scam commonly used features. Such characteristics may include unreliable links, common phishing e-mail content, or from the deception (fake) e-mail address to send mail. In Microsoft Outlook 2010 download Version, even if the other junk mail filtering turned off, suspicious mail detection is always open.
Outlook 2010 in suspicious phishing messages to the processing of
After receiving suspicious phishing e-mail will be handled as follows:
* If the filter junk e-mail that a message is not spam, but that is a phishing email, the message is retained in the "Inbox", but to disable any links in the message, and you can not use "reply "and" reply All "command. In addition, also disables suspicious mail and any attachments.
* If the junk mail filter that the message is spam is phishing e-mail, the message is automatically sent to the "Spam" folder. Sent to the "Spam" folder of all messages in plain text format, and all links are disabled. In addition, will disable the "reply" and "Reply All" function, and disable the message and any attachments.
* If the junk mail filter that the message is spam is phishing e-mail, but the sender ( or domain (@ to your "Safe Senders List", then the message will remain in the "Inbox", but will disable the link in the message and attachments.
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